So, since all teenagers
have acne at some point in their careers as young adults, are people
clear after adolescence? Not
exactly. Some adults can
experience problems with acne that they never had in their youth. Adult acne affects men and
women equally, just sometimes at different stages of life.
Men are more prone to acne problems during puberty.
Women might experience acne during puberty and menopause.
During puberty, men are more likely to have severe acne.
On the other hand, women suffer from hormonal changes during
their period. This accounts
for a significant increase in acne.
Cosmetics also accounts for increased acne problems in women.
WOMEN: Estrogen and progestin
are major hormonal players in women.
Menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause all deal with imbalances
of these hormones. Studies have shown that
acne occurs more frequently during the week before menstruation.
These conditions remain present for about a week. The changing balances of male and female hormones sometimes
produce skin flare-ups. Hormonal
treatments exist to help moderate acne problems during menstruation and
pregnancy and can be used for women whose acne simply won’t respond to
regular acne treatments. Hormonal
therapy must be carefully monitored for side effects.
A doctor must preform a full screening procedure before hormonal
acne treatments can be given. Therapy
also increases the risk of breast and pelvic cancer. In young women,
irregular menstrual period and excessive facial hair could be symptoms
of polycystic ovary disease. This
disease stems from the overproduction of androgenic (male) hormones.
While this disease is not common, its treatment is necessary to
prevent infertility. Acnegenicity means- the ability to cause acne breakouts. With all the cosmetics on the market today, it becomes increasingly important to make sure that cosmentics are noncomedogenic, meaning they do not cause acne. Many cosmetics are comedogenic and therefore create whiteheads and blackheads. This being understood, it is very important to realize what is and isn’t good for your skin. Cosmetics should be used with care by those that have or have had a history of acne. The use of water based make up is much more preferable than the use of oil based makeup as oil based is hard to remove and causes more clogged pores. Future use should be discontinued even on noncomedogenic cosmetics if acne lesions appear. Any dryness, irritation, itchiness, etc should be watched for when using noncomedogenic cosmetics. Just because something is “natural” or “herbal” doesn’t mean that it is necessarily good for the skin.
MEN: Acne
is generally more severe and tends to occur more frequently in men than
women because men produce more androgens-the hormone that stimulates
sebaceous gland activity. These glands produce sebum which can clog the
hair follicles and lead to whiteheads and blackheads. As a teenager, the root of your problem
is more likely to be hormones-specifically, testosterone-that triggers
sebum production. As a man ages, sebum levels, like testosterone levels,
drop but don't stop. "By the time most men are 20 or 25,
acne vulgaris (or common acne) is gone. In men, adult acne is much more
likely to be rosacea, sometimes refered to as acne rosacea, which
requires a different more selective type of treatment.
Due to low sebum
production in children, sebaceous follicles are not irritated.
This low sebum production is due to the very low amounts of
androgenic hormones that are being produced in a child’s developing
body. Sebum production increases as a child grows into adolescence as he/she begins to have hormonal fluctuations. Higher sebum production results in greater chance of acne problems later in teenage life.
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